Wednesday, December 17, 2003


This site is devoted to promoting the use of Relative Analgesia more widely amongst General Dental Practitioners for the benefit of their patients, themselves and their practices.

I have no direct link with manufacturing or supply companies. However I believe that RA is underutilised, in a dental practice setting, in the UK and that its benefits are not fully understood by GDPs.

I am a Dental Practitioner serving Dental Practitioners in their desire to provide the benefits Relative Analgesia (Inhalational Sedation) to their patients.

My One day Hands-on teaching courses are currently delivered from my Private Dental Practice at

St. Mary's House Dental Practice, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 5DH

If you wish to find out more about the equipment required and set up costs then try RA Medical at

They will be represented at my Hands-on courses and their team will be available to offer practical advice to anyone wishing to set up an RA sedation service for their patients

You may copy or distribute this as long as this copyright notice and full information below about contacting the author are attached.

Richard Charon


Before continuing with the main subject of this "blog", Relative Analgesia (Inhalational Sedation), a word about My Dental Practice Website

3 years ago I wondered If I could build and publish my own website. So I set about it, more of a hobby excercise than to produce a serious commercial type site.

Anyway I did manage to produce one and it was live for about 18 months.

For technical reasons, unimportant here, the site has not been updated since then and in any event has been off-line for over a year.

Well now, it is back on line AND ready for a makover in 2004.

Initially I will update most of the pages and finish writing some unfinished ones. Eventually the entire site will be overhauled and brought up to date.

Despite being slow to load and having a dinosaur look about it, it does describe the practice and what we offer reasonably well.

However there are many innovations that we will be showcasing once it is updated and much improved digital images of before and after aesthetic "makover" cases.

So, if you have nothing better to do , take a look at my website. Here is the link to the page which describes RA.


Patient Testimonials

Here as promised is the first testimonial together with her case description:
This arrived a few weeks ago. The patient in question was Marie.

Case 12 & One of my best testimonials!

Other testimonials

may be found at

though not all of these relate directly to the use of RA
