This site has been developed by me
Richard Charon BDS
So here I am !
This site is dedicated to raising awareness and creating greater interest in the use of Relative Analgesia (RA) amongst General Dental Practitoners in the UK.
It is a regularly updated and contains some useful links and information about RA.
Of particular interest are case histories and testimonials from my patients to illustrate the variety of situations which in which RA can be used to great effect.
This site will also be used as a vehicle to promote my Hands-on RA Courses undertaken in a general practice setting.
You will find a variety of related links as you read on.
Here is one to be going on with.
Remember to return here after reading it
The following link to gives information about my last hands-on course
To book a place on future courses or for further information, please contact me, Richard Charon using my e-mail address: