Thursday, January 29, 2004

Today's RA Case History
Case 16

This lady attended for the first time some weeks before Christmas. She takes good care of her appearance BUT her fear of Dentistry has kept her from seeking care for many years.

She has a moderately advanced chronic periodontal status and some failed old restorations.

We introduced her to the benefits of RA before beginning any treatment and now have made very good progress in improving her periodontal condition using RA to allow her to cope with the necessary operative first phase treatment.

A few days ago I completed 2 extensive composite restorations, replacing leaking/failed amalgams,

In addition to RA, I used my newly acquired Wand Plus (TM) LA machine and of course, rubber dam.

The synergy of a sense of detachment created by the RA and the entirely painless LA procedure and the sense of "separation" created by the use of the dental dam left the patient almost speechless with delight at the outcome.

Quite simply, she could hardly believe how easy & pleasant this dental experience had been cmpared to hewr previous experiences. I am confident that she has now turned the corner and will become an excellent dental patient with all the benefits that flow from that for her and for us in terms of growing our practice reputation.

So I am looking forward to a testimonial and referrals of new patients from her.

Would you like to be able to offer your patients these benefits?

See below for details of my Hands-on RA courses or e-mail me at