Friday, August 13, 2004

Hands-on RA course- Testimonial

Not sure whether my Hands-on
Relative Analgesia Courses are suitable for you ?
Read on for a very helpful testimonial which may help persuade you !

Following my July course

I received the following testimonial
Mr. Andrew Tennant BDS.(Hons.), LDSRCS, FDSRCS.
Apsley House Dental Practice in Hemel Hempstead.

Andrew is himself a long-time user of RA. He runs a study club from his practice and is a Pankey Institute member and experienced implantologist. He was one of the course participants on my Hands-on Relative Analgesia course held on Saturday 17th July 2004, in Newbury, Berkshire, at St. Mary’s House Dental Practice.

Here is his unedited testimonial.

“ Richard Charon’s RA course is the best conscious sedation course I have done in 30 years !

The simple and quietly confident presentation of the information kept our group awake all day. We went away having learnt to use the equipment and techniques sufficiently well to use them on Monday morning. Our confidence was built by seeing 2 of the nurses easily sedated and then returning to the group and enthusiastically telling us how easy it was and how good it felt and that our patients should have these benefits. Then we watched 3 live RA sedation cases actually involving treatment with LA and restorative procedures. The patients all came and told us how great they felt, and how easy the treatment was.

Richard has the gift you need as your RA Coach. Just think of all those patients you have who would pay to feel calm and confident about their treatment, and how much more relaxing your day would feel.

Don’t just think how nice having this easy sedation technique would be – go and do it NOW!”

In his covering letter, Andrew also said:

“The balance of the day was right- enough theory to make it a “serious” course, relaxed atmosphere to allow appropriate questions which could be answered then or at the right place in the presentation”

“The presentation had a very professional feel about it…”

His Dental Nurse also commented that she had enjoyed the course and that..

“ it was not over my head, kept me interested and when are you getting it installed…” !

So if I could show you the how, why, when, where and who to use RA for and for you to give your patients and yourself the benefits of this service, would you be interested too?

Dr. Richard Charon BDS

contact me here :