Monday, December 13, 2010

Testimonial from Dr.Anne O'Donnell from 2006

Today I was looking back at some earlier testimonials for the courses that I run and this once was especially pleasing

Dr. Anne O'Donnell's Testimonia:

Dr.Anne O'Donnell travelled across from Wexford in Ireland with her two dental nurses. As a result of her visit to us in Newbury and the one day Hands-on RA training course she attended, we are now working together to arrange for a similar course to be run in Ireland. This is what she said about her day with us.
"Dear Richard,
Many thanks for your email but more especially thank you for a superb day on Saturday. I have attended lots of courses but I would have to say that your course was one of the best because of your philosophy and approach to dentistry and patients. I would hope that I have a similar approach but unfortunately haven't had the added benefit of Ra for the last 22 years but will have for the remainder of my career!!!. As I said to you on Saturday you are a true ambassador for the profession and it would be nice if more of our profession emulated you. Ann Marie & Sinead also really enjoyed the day and are fired with enthuasism now for RA...... " 

If you are reading this , then perhaps you are ready to contact me to book yourself and your team on the next available course  .

01635 47757

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