Thursday, October 10, 2013

An unexpected birthday present. May I have your vote?

Dear All..

Yesterday the 9th of October, I wrote this on facebook:-

"Well here is an unexpected birthday present for me. 
Sitting here alone in the staff room with the team off for their weekly lunch together, I pick up this month's issue of Private Dentistry magazine and find my name included in a list of about 150 of the countries top names in dentistry, as an option for readers to choose their Elite 20 from." A few moments later on Facebook I added,

"Amendment, looking more closely, that list of 150 includes international stars of the dental profession too with very considerable pedigrees!  I have heard many lecture & learned from them over the years. Feeling humble now"

Why might you vote for me? For those that know me or have attended one of my courses, been mentored by me or heard me lecture- I'll leave that decision to you. 

Otherwise a few minutes looking through this blog or at my website will give you an idea. 
Why not see a new name amongst the regular award winners?

By the way:

I am now a 2-day a week associate having sold my practice this time last year.  
Tomorrow I'll be lecturing at Liverpool Dental School to 90 people. 60% nurses, the rest dentists, about 1/3 GDPs, 1/3 in hospital service and 1/3 in the community dental service. 

All of them already have experience with the Inhalation sedation technique I am speaking on so no pressure then! 

Next week  I'll be at the Dental Showcase 2013 at the NEC too with 11 talks of 20 mins over 3 days.

Then to top of a good birthday I was invited yesterday ( 9th Oct)  to speak at next year's Dentistry Show, also at the NEC, to the Dental Nurses forum on the same topic.

To vote for me in Private Dentistry's Elite 20, you will need to find a copy of the October or November Private Dentistry magazine and use their entry slip!
Page 14! 3rd column under R for Richard alphabetically.

Thanks for your time and all votes very gratefully accepted.
Here are a few reasons you might think of voting for me .... 
The power behind the throne!!

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