Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Inhalation Sedation Training Course No 38 A-Dec Egham

So yesterday, unusually on a Monday, we ran our 38th Hands-on "RA" course
at Adec's lovely facility in Egham. 

We had 12 delegates (maxim.16) from far and wide. Delegates attended  from London, Bristol. Shopshire, Dorset, Ireland, Jersey and Muscat/Oman. 

Dentists, RDNs and a Hygienist/Therapist in private practice attended as well as Dentists and RDNs from the Community services.

100% of delegates said they would recommend the course to others. 
Here are the comments received:

" very detailed and informative day - lots of information given and support. Well worth the money."
"An excellent course (again!) with updates to keep our knowledge current- Thank you"
" Really enjoyed the course, especially the happy air- thank you. I now have a better understanding …' 
"Very Good and informative course. Well presented with all relevant information & interesting experiences." 
 "Thank you"

We received maximum marks on the feedback forms in all 10 questions from 9/12 delegates.

The other 3: To the "well organised" question, one community dentist did mark me down with the comment ( "due to our side") but scored excellent in all other 9 questions. Enough said. 

One delegate marked every question "v. good" with no "excellence".  We have seen that before. Some NEVER score excellent in principal. 

Finally the dentist from Oman scored one question down from 5 (max) to 4 in terms of changing his clinical practice - fair enough.

Another community dentist  said "Very detailed and informed day- lots of information given and support. Well worth the money" !

Finally my huge thanks as always to Chris Charon RDN for all of her very hard work in running the course and well done and kudos to her when she stepped forward in today's course to directly oversee and mentor one of the delegates doing a trial sedation for another delegate and (with a little encouragement but no notice from me) later took centre stage to explain how she manages the first contact call from a patient who calls and say- "yes but I hate coming to the dentist'! Good for you Chris.

Our next course will be at The Henry Schein Showroom in between Leeds and Bradford on Sat. June 21st.

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