The practice is so new they have yet to get CQC clearance but it is beautifully organised so they should sail through shortly. The other practitioner looks set to go ahead in his new and refurbished practice too.
Lots of earnest learning and discussion for the 2 practices involved and so now there will be 2 more UK practices soon able to offer Inhalation Sedation as an optional service to their patients.
The delegates came from just 2 practices, most from the host practice, 2 dentists, a newly qualified Therapist and 3 dental nurses. They were joined by one GDP with two Dental nurses.
The feedback tells us that the day,seemed to go down pretty well.
Several delegates agreed to try out the "Happy Air" giving me the opportunity to take the delegates through the process in step by step demonstrations.
Here above I am demonstrating the loss of gag reflex by passing a dental mirror over the soft palate with no reaction from our sedated volunteer.
Below, on this occasion just one delegate acted as the operator sedationist.
The other 2 GDPs already had considerable past experience.

All still smiling after a long day of learning
On reflection the practice owner said...
"I can’t fault the practical aspect to the course, this was great. … .. the course on the whole I thought was very well thought out, kept me interested the whole time and the theory was all very relevant."Next stop, Hague Dental Showroom near Gatwick in September. This Friday is the deadline for the early-booker discount and the day should be full if all reserved placed are confirmed. If you are very keen please let me know as I will put on an extra day on Monday 22nd Sept if there is a demand.
We are also now booking for our second visit to A-Dec in Salford Quays on 6th Dec 2014.
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