Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Relax ... Inhalation Sedation can help you and your practice

50% of your patients have dental anxiety of which 12% have severe anxiety or Phobia

(Adult Dental Health Survey 2009/10)  

Can you afford not to give these patients the best dental care?

“Inhalation Sedation will cope with 90% of these patients including many of 
the gag reflex cases seen in GDP." (Richard Charon)

 Inspiration, Training and Education

The one-day inter-active courses mix detailed theory with step-by-step, hands- on practical demonstrations in a small group environment. Learn the theory and practice for successful outcomes with us.

By attending our courses GDPs, registered specialists, Dental Hygienists and Therapists can learn the details of this non- invasive and safe sedation technique. Introducing Inhalation Sedation to your
practice will change the lives of patients for whom dental treatment can be a real challenge.

 Just a few benefits

• Gain more referrals from their successful outcomes.
• Reduce the stress on yourself and your team in dealing with your anxious patients.
• Gain more acceptances for treatment plans that anxious patients need and want.
• Children’s dentistry becomes much kinder, more efficient and less stressful for all.
• Allow lengthier treatments to be much easier for many anxious and non-anxious patients to accept.
We also provide:

Competency certification

One-to-one mentoring programs for those wishing to gain a certificate of competency, with tailored and structured one-to-one mentoring programs, at your own practices.

Updates: 4 hours vCPD
Half-day refresher courses have been added to our programs for those with experience needing a refresher and vCPD to comply with current recommendations.
Our first two half-day updates are planned for Oxfordshire and Glasgow update

Oxfordshire Update:                                   Now Booking
 Sat am 30th May 2015
includes a 2-course fine-dining lunch.
Please-email for full details and to book

Glasgow: Update details to be announced.

Next Full day course:                                    Now Booking
Sat 25th April 2015
with Pool and Spa facilities
Please-email for full details and to book

Our experience

I have 38 years of experience treating dental anxiety with Inhalation Sedation in GDP in both NHS and Private practice with over 8000 sedations for adults and children.
The courses and mentoring programs are run with Chris Charon RDN (Cert. Dental Sed. nursing)
Between us we have over 60 years experience in dental conscious sedation.
Since 2003, we have delivered over 42 one-day courses around the UK and Ireland with delegates from far and wide.

What other dental sedation teachers have said:

“ I highly recommend this course to dentists, hygienists, therapists and nurses. 
It is a fantastic practice builder. It WILL set you apart from the competition in Private practice. ... learn about this excellent but sadly under-used technique in practice. 
Richard is a great guy and its one of the best courses I’ve attended in the last 20 years! "
Dr. Roy Bennett BDS MFGDP

"I went on Richard's course a few weeks ago.... fantastic! you won't find a more passionate and informative speaker! You even get a go on the happy air!"
Dr. Adam Glassford BChD Dip Con Sed (Ncle) Dip Imp Dent (RCS)(Eng)(Adv. Cert)

Are you ready for the challenge?

If you are now convinced that you are ready to explore this under-utlised technique further and differentiate your practices from those around you, please contact me.

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