Friday, July 26, 2019

Welcome to my blog- for ISDAM Congress Delegates from Richard Charon

I am delighted to have been invited by Mike Gow to speak at the plenary session of this year's ISDAM Congress in Glasgow on Thursday August 22nd. at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons.

 Like all of the speakers, I can but cover a few topics within my subject in the allocated time and I am aware that some in the audience, perhaps many, will have had no experience of providing Inhalation Sedation with titrated Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen or indeed have even witnessed its use.
So coming to any conclusion as to its place or usefulness may well be difficult for them.
For you perhaps.

So ahead of the Congress, I am providing links here to a number of unedited patient accounts/stories of their experiences, thoughts and feelings, having had the opportunity of benefiting at the receiving end of the "Happy Air".

I make no excuses but some of these are quite long, so perhaps make yourself a cup of tea of coffee, settle down and perhaps be interested, inspired and or even amazed!

 Apologies if you have read these before but I suspect not.

I hope to have the opportunity to meet many of you on the 22nd -23rd of August.

It is nice to be reminded that the work we all do has such a positive effect on patient's lives.

Richard Charon BDS
RA Coaching and Mentoring since 2003

Accredited Course Provider in Inhalation Sedation  
IACSD Dec. 2015; 
RCS(STAC) 2016 & 2018
Approved Dental Council of Ireland 2017

07884 230995:
Please consider joining my RA Coach facebook group, for information, course dates, new recommendations, insights or cases to discuss with a group of interested people.


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