Monday, November 18, 2019

Dental Therapist updates Inhalation Sedation knowledge

Id like to share some interesting and very helpful feedback from Dental Therapist, 
Alex Middleton Dental Therapist from Sussex.

As an existing operator-sedationist, utilising Inhalation Sedation, Alex attended our “RA”update day 2 years ago. 

These days assume attendees are currently or have recently utilised the technique having previously received training and having been signed off as competent already.

Seeking another update recently and since the date suited her better, Alex chose to attend day 1 of our accredited 3-day “New Starters” course on Nov 2nd 2019, designed to take dental professionals from scratch to a point of readiness to undertake their first 10 cases under supervision.

In doing so, she joined dentists from England, Ireland and Wales as well as an anaesthetist from Hungary in Newbury, Berkshire.
Here are her comments, about which she said : ” I am happy for you to use anything I have said and happy for you to reword to suit”.   
No changes have been made in fact.
After completing the course today (2.11.19) I feel that everyone should do this as a refresher!

“ I did the course again  (After 2 years) because I had a short break in practice but felt today has consolidated 
all of my learning. “

“I found that I was able to understand it all completely compared to last time, which boosted my confidence in my ability to practice safely.”

Yesterday, Nov 17th,  she added ...
“I completed a very successful list on Thursday so thank you.” .

“More people should do this training, is it the cost of the initial outlay that holds people back?”.

That last point will be the subject of an entire opinion piece that I may look to get published.
Thanks so much Alex for your valuable feedback and your food for thought.

Richard Charon

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