Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Welcome to "Dentistry" readers

Richard Charon BDS (VU Manc.) 1975

A warm welcome to this website goes to visitors who have found their way here from the RA eductional supplement published with September's issue of

Dentistry magazine.

My next Hands-on RA courses will be held in Newbury, Berkshire


Saturday 2nd October 2004


Saturday 20th February 2005

This site is in the form of a "blog" or Weblog. If you are not familiar with this format. Here is an explanation.
The "blog" is a log of activities , diary entries or just a simple way of building an informative web-site in a simple format and is built-up sequentially. As you scroll down you will see the entries and dates of entry and also see how the site has developed.

You will find details of my hands-on courses, and testimonials from course attendees. Also there are over twenty case reports detailing clinical successes using Relative Analgesia and patient testimonials as well as other useful links.

Please contact me directly for further information or course details

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