Well this will be a different blog post. I am on the train to London for the SAAD confeeence at the Royal Society of Medicine. The conference title is "Beyond the basics"
The program includes the following topics.
Morning sessions
Intra-nasal Midazolam, which is mainly used for special needs patients. 1 hour
Sedation Dentistry in Spain. This will be interesting as I have recently had interest from a Spanish dentist wishing to travel to Newbury for my RA courses. 25 mins.
An update on the SAAD training coures for Therapists and Hygienists "What next" 30 mins.
CPD recommendations for practitioners.20 mins.
Training for advanced Sedation techniques 20 mins
Presentations 5 mins
Lunch: Time to network!
Baby Boomers: The challenges for sedation Dentistry 1 hour
Evaluation Benefits for Clinical Governance & CQC 30 mins
Anxiety management without drugs. An Update: 30mins
So that is what is in store for me this Saturday.
I'll write a brief summary on each presentation later.
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