Monday, December 16, 2013

Two GDPs gain RA competency certification.

In the last 2 weeks I have had the pleasure of certifying two GDPs in Inhalation Sedation competency.
The first, Dr. Suresh Govind of Gedling Dental in Nottingham completed his competency journey last week.

The second one, Dr. Chris Brown of Pennington Dental, Southam, Warwickshire, completed his competency journey today.

It was a privilege to meet and work with these empathetic and committed practitioners and their supportive teams. I have no doubt that they will go on to open the door to hundreds, probably thousands of patients between them over the next 20 years or more, who would otherwise suffer pain, embarrassment and possibly ill-health due to their dental anxiety and put off taking up or seeking treatment they want.

If you think you, your patients and your practice would benefit from introducing "RA" in 2014, we still have 6 places on the one-day course in Salford on Sat Feb 8th.
Please let me know ASAP to book a last minute place!

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