Thursday, February 12, 2015

RA Course Feedback 9.2.15 at Henry Schein Dental

Judging from the excellent feedback tick box sheets received, it seems that most people were pretty happy with the day at Henry Scehin Dental Education last Monday. 
We had 10 delegates (8 GDPS and 2 RDNs). A good sized class as we have a limit of 15.

Feedback Results
I still have to receive feedback from two who had to leave early but of the 8 who did return their forms:
3/8 were kind enough to give us a maximum score in all 12 categories 
(see below as that is really 5/8)
Of the other 5 results in.
2 gave maximum scores (5) for 11/12 categories and both of these ( GDP & RDN) said No to an interest in mentoring as they have many years experience already, so that makes perfect sense. So really that is 100% too! So that counts as 5/8 giving maximum marks.
The other 3 delegates scored us as follows:
1 Gave maximum scores for 10/12 and scored 4 ( Very good or very likely) to:
Will change my clinical practice
Likely to take up one to one mentoring.
1 Gave maximum scores for 10/12 and scored 4 ( Very good or very likely) to
The day was well structured and a score 3 (only likely) to take up one to one mentoring. (Very reasonable since there is someone at that practice who can mentor her there)
1 gave maximum scores for 10/12, Scoring 4 (very likely) to change her clinical practice and (3) Likely to the mentoring offer.
So given that the last question on possible take-up of mentoring is an added question, not really related to the teaching, audio-visuals, content and other aspects of the day, then that is a very high % who were more than happy with the course.
Everyone said they would recommend us to others.
We now await the last 2 results and any further comments.

If you or a practice you know would like to receive more information to find out how this service could help build your dental practices, please e-mail me :

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