Friday, March 27, 2015

1/2-day”RA” Inhalation Sedation Aims, Objectives & Outcomes

1/2-day”RA” Inhalation Sedation seminars
Course director and providers:
Dr. R.W.Charon BDS with Chris.Charon RDN
4 hours vCPD

Educational Aims:

To ensure delegates are fully up to date and complaint with current recommendations issued by the appropriate bodies and the GDC and to offer an opportunity to discuss cases and for problem-solving with colleagues experienced in Inhalation Sedation.

Learning Objectives:  

By the end of this module, you would be able to summarise, write short notes on or answer questions on the following:

Current Guidelines issued by the GDC, DSTG, SAAD and the
Competency requirements.
Responsibilities to the anxious, fearful or phobic patient.
Pros and cons of referral.
Medico-legal issues including informed consent and chaperoning.
Differentiating Fear, Anxiety and Phobia for patient assessment
A brief literature review with reference to the time-scale the subject has been published.
Alternative strategies for dental fear, anxiety or phobia.
Fitness for Sedation – ASA scale
Patient monitoring whilst sedated with RA.
Compare requirements in Ireland and some European countries to the UK
Relevant Neuro-phyisiology and Neuro-pharamocology mode of action of nitrous oxide in the central nervous system
The anaesthetic continuum
How to react and proceed safely in the case of relative overdose
Indications and contra-indications/ Pros and cons of RA and compare/contrast with the other standard dental sedation techniques.
Health and safety with reference to reducing atmospheric pollution using active scavenging and ventilation.
Patient monitoring and recording requirements
The roles of the sedationist and the dental nurse. .
Patient Assessment
Pre-op and post-op instructions. Patient information and the consent process

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this half-day update program:

Dental Specialists, GDPs and DCPs will be able to demonstrate that their knowledge of the technique is up to date, evidenced by a summative assessment MCQ with a 70% pass mark and that will have had the opportunity to discuss specific cases or concerns with experienced colleagues in a conducive learning environment.               

Richard Charon BDS 2015Ó

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