Friday, April 03, 2015

Inhalation Sedation - Patient's own stories

Overall, the combination of nitrous oxide and the professional and kind treatment of Richard and Chris has gone a long way to restoring my faith in the dental profession.

I hope this story helps others , who worry about choking at the dentist to try this “Happy Air” as it has enabled me to complete some treatment that I would have found very difficult.

"Do I still have a fear of Dentists, well probably yes, somewhere deep inside me, it won’t disappear overnight, and no doubt there will still be a few nerves there the next time I have treatment but whilst I know Richard can help me I will happily attend any check up or treatment session needed. So long as my happy gas is their if I need it.

 I couldn’t believe it, I told Richard it was amazing stuff and I felt amazing. I walked out to Chris on reception and could have hugged her, she never lied to me, she promised it would be ok and it was. I felt so good I went back to work in the afternoon."

This morning, I was able to have my teeth cleaned without the need for Happy Air- perhaps not such a great deal for some, but for me, was a massive breakthrough, a filling I needed later was done using air, but as I had been through it before & Richard knew the dose I needed, it was relatively plain sailing.

I will never be a ' 6 monthly check-up' person, but this has made such a difference & I would recommend it to any other nervous patients out there & the poor dentists that have to treat them !

There's no better way for me to thank Richard than share my experience here
on his website, hoping he'll be able to help others.  I've already referred
about a dozen people to his website and twitter account, it's amazing just
how many people are as scared as I once was.

If you'd like to know any more about my experience, feel free to tweet me at

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