Monday, December 14, 2015

Inhalation Sedation ANNOUNCEMENT

I am delighted to announce 

  I have today succeeded in my application to become


Accredited Trainer and Mentor in 

Inhalation Sedation

 by the IACSD 

(Intercollegiate Advisory Committee for  Sedation in Dentistry).

I would like to thank the large number of colleagues and others associated with UK Dentistry for their support, encouragement and indeed the inspiration not to give up. It was at times a long haul!

I will also acknowledge the unofficial mentorship provided by David Craig (SAAD & DSTG past presidencies and IACSD member) over the last 12 years who from the outset in 2003 encouraged me to run and develop my courses and indeed to Chris Barrow who gave me permission to set myself on this path.

I intend to continue to offer a peripatetic Inhalation Sedation service to local practitioners within a 1 hour drive of Newbury, thereby keeping my own practical experience up to date as well as regular attendances at SAAD and DSTG ( Dental Sedation Teachers Group) symposia.

New Comprehensive Courses 2016 onwards

The practical effects of the new guidelines in regard to teaching and learning the subject means that my courses in future will entail 3 days.

Day 1: Theory and Practical demonstrations
Day 2 & 3: One-to-one Work Based assessments with each candidate

Registered Dental Nurses

RDNs may attend to accompany their own dentist or Therapist but only for vCPD purposes. 

RDNs will still need to aim to undertake the sedation certificate via NEBDN or equivalent which now allows them to select Inhalation Sedation as a module only if that is appropriate to them.

vCPD Updates for Existing Users

I will continue to run 1-day 7hr vCPD updates for those already utilising Inhalation Sedation prior to April 2015 requiring their vCPD hours under the "Transitional arrangements".

The Newly Designed Course

  • A pre-course reading list
  • An intensive one-day theory and practical demonstration day, followed by 
  • 2-day compulsory Work-Based Assessments (WBAs) carried out at the learner's place of work. 

WBAs - Work-Based Assessments

These 2 days of WBAs will follow the programme I have used for several years.
          5 patients treated under Inhalation Sedation on each day.
          1 hour allocated to each patient to allow for assessments, pre-op work-up and consent, sedation, simple treatment, recovery, post-op records completed and dismissal of the patient.
The second day ends with a formal summative assessment with a 30-question MCQ based on the learning undertaken in the course and all being well allows me to sign-off practitioners as competent and therefore capable of using this form of sedation unsupervised.

Course Pre-Requisites and Candidates Commitments

The courses will no longer be a taster for those who are seeking to discover more about the technique before committing. This important element will be provided through other channels.

These new IACSD accredited courses will no longer be a one-day mixed ability class but will be aimed only at Dentists, Therapist/Hygienists new to Inhalation Sedation, who are committed to becoming trained AND to undertaking their first 10 cases under supervsion.

This Work-Based Assessment (WBA) will take place at the candidates place of work and will be an integral part of the training program. It is no longer an optional extra.
I will personally oversee the 10 cases (mixed adults and children) and will provide a detailed program for those sessions beforehand. My role is to both a mentor to help candidates to succeed and as an assessor.

It is for this reason that I can only accept those on the training course who are prepared to make that commitment both in time, learning (including SDL (Self-directed learning - homework) and pre-course reading which will be tested and also to financing this project which will provide valuable vCPD and an important element to the learner's PDP .

The equipment required should be pre-installed before the WBAs, whether already in place or purchased from suppliers to allow us to plan the dates and book patients.  I am able to provide all equipment if required at additional hire cost per day.

Applicants will have to show that they have attended an age-appropriater ILS/PILS course(s) within the previous 12 months or are booked to do so. Proof will be required.

Course Design

The elements of the course I have run in the past which focus on raising awareness of the technique and  it's undoubted usefulness will be reduced. Some additional material will be included as required by the IACSD published syllabus.

In the past there has not been a requirement for pre-course reading. This will change and a reading list will be provided. There will be a short discussion/critical analysis of the literature on the first day and included in the test before the end of the WBA program.

As a result of the above, I can only accept 10 candidates each year onto the program which will involve me in  2 x Theory and Practical Demonstration Course days per year and 20 days each year of Work-Based Assessments.

The theory days will generally to be held on Saturdays. Consideration will be given to holding these on a weekday if there is a demand. WBAs will be held on weekdays.  5 candidates will be accepted on each course once they have satisfied the above requirements. 













Course Fees

50% of the course fee will be required 2 months in advance once a place has been confirmed. This will give time for the 10 cases required for the WBAs to be gathered and booked in. 

The remainder is paid 2 weeks ahead of the first of the 2 days of WBAs for each dentist.


£2285.00 + Travel and Hotel costs. 

(VAT does not apply)
Total course fees are individually quoted on the following basis:
1 The full one-day course as delivered up to April 2015: £485.00 (Dentists and DCPs)
2. The 2-day mentoring program as operated in 2014-2015: £1800
3. RDNs attending for vCPD purposes on the theory day: £208 
Travel and hotel costs for WBAs according to location of candidate’s practice/clinic.

  Please let me know as soon as possible if you wish to book for 2016
Places are limited

Day One Theory Dates

Sat 19th March 2016
Sat  11th June 2016

Regency Park Hotel Nr. Newbury

RG18 3BY

Course Outcome

A certificate of competence in Inhalation Sedation meeting IACSD and GDC requirements and the ability of the candidate to sedate patients unsupervised in this technique only.

Irish Republic
Dentists and DCPs from the Irish Republic, not registered with the GDC and intending to practice in Ireland under the Dental Council of Ireland's regulations, will not be considered for this course unless the Council recognise my accredited status AND the WBAs can be organised with an IDC approved mentor. 

This seems very unlikely for the foreseeable future and I am sorry for that inconvenience to colleagues working in the Republic of Ireland.

Outside UK and Ireland
Dentists and DCPs from outside the UK and Ireland not registered with the GDC and intending to practice outside the UK and Ireland - please e-mail me for further advice. 


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