Monday, December 07, 2015

Inhalation Sedation Life Support (Rescue) Training - Update

It has taken 8 months to clarify and make public a point I raised shortly after the IACSD Guidleines were issued in April.

The issue is the requirement for ILS + PILS training for Inhalation Sedation providers which is  considerable increase in requirement on the face of it.

My own discussions with people from the Resus Council pointed to them sticking by their guns that each of ILS & PILS were a separate full day of training despite the fact that
1) There is bound to be duplication of some core material
2) That PILS would cover resus. for neonates and children far too young to be patients undergoing Inhalation Sedation.

Thanks to Janet Pickles of RA Medical Services for passing this on today, originating from David Craig- IACSD Committee member.

They have decided to tackle this issue by amended the FAQs.

He said "IACSD has agreed that FAQ 16 will be updated to read":
Q: "What level of life support training does the sedation team need?"
A: "Practitioners must be able to provide age-appropriate immediate life support as defined by the main elements of the Resuscitation Council (UK) ILS and PILS training programmes. It is not essential to undertake a Resuscitation Council (UK) accredited ILS/PILS course. Alternative courses with equivalent content which are adapted to the needs of dental practice are acceptable: these might also include the management of common sedation, medical and dental emergencies."

So what we now need are alternative providers of ILS/PILS that can accomplish this in one day - whether or not there is time to include management of "common sedation, medical and dental emergencies.".

Indeed I would go further and suggest Common Sedation emergencies only be included in such a day's training since medical and dental emergencies are covered as separate modules for every practice whether they use sedation or not.

Remember the guidelines are just that.

Richard Charon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your article was quite intriguing and the information quite useful. Will check your site often to see other great posts you make! Regards
sedation dentistry