Monday, March 21, 2016

Inhalation Sedation course report MArch 2016

Yesterday (Sat. March 19th 2016) I ran the first day of a newly IACSD accredited, 3-day independent Inhalation Sedation course. The first in the UK. This course has the equivalence of a University-based module on the subject and is designed to lead beginners (GDPs and DCPs) to a certificate of competence, allowing successful candidates to practice alone as operator-sedationists with this technique.

The feedback received was excellent.
12 questions. Ranked 1=poor and 5 = Excellent/yes as usual. Max score per person = 60. Max score from the group of 8 = 480. We received 469 = 98%.
I agree we could have given more time for open discussion but did try to avoid moving into an extra day!

Here are some feedback comments:

" Should have done this a long time ago" -

"Inhalation Sedation is such a useful adjunct and I can't understand why more dentists don't use it ..Thank you"

 " Thank you - great day"

“Dear Dr. Richard Thank you very much for your great support and your amazing presentation of this really important method used by both dentists and dental nurses. Looking forward to using the method."

The course is suitable for GDPs, Therapists and Hygienists & specialists, particularly Endodontists and Periodontists.
Days 2&3 are Work-Based Assessments at your own practices.

More information 1


Our next course for beginners to Inhalation Sedation starts June 11th.  

There are now just 3 places are left now.
Accompanying dental nurses are encouraged to attend.

If you already offer this service but are looking for an update to comply with
current guidelines then please contact me. Plans are afoot for vCPD Updates in London and Manchester in the autumn of this year.
Contact me to book your place(s) as soon as possible;

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