Some figures to consider:
2010 - The Last Adult Dental Health Survey says 50% of attenders have little or no dental anxiety.
Even my poor maths tells me therefore that
50% are anxious or worse!
36% have mild to moderate anxiety (not broken down).
12% have severe anxiety or phobia (not broken down).
IACSD in last year's report says:
95% of those requiring sedation can be managed with IV Midazolam or Inhalation Sedation.
So, advanced techniques may only be needed for 5% of those who do require sedation.
In my non-referral GDP practice, my experience was that of those needing sedation,
1 in 20 needed IV (requested it, were not suitable for "RA" or could not be managed with it).
The other 95% were managed with Inhalation Sedation.

Referrals for GA over 23 years - approx 5 ( can only remember 2 of them).
Referrals for advanced IV techniques other than 3rd molar referrals due to private medical cover - Zero (that I can recall).
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